LINET data – Lightning Detection Data

With LINET data small as well as large private and public companies get detailed numerical lightning information in real time.

LINET data is the classical nowcast product. Both small as well as large private companies and public institutions receive detailed numerical real-time lightning information via LINET data. This data can then be imported into the user’s systems and combined with further data sources.

The user can access the data files in real time in various formats via the internet. In addition to standard information pertaining to the location, time and stroke current, LINET reliably differentiates between intra-cloud strokes and cloud-to-ground strokes, and even ascertains the height of intra-cloud strokes.

The data packages provide you with the following information:

  • Date & time

  • Geo-coordinates

  • Lightning amperage

  • Lightning type: cloud-to-ground or intra-cloud

  • Emission height of intra-cloud strokes

Who opts for LINET data?

  • National weather services & private meteorological service providers

    Private meteorological service providers and national weather services integrate the numerical lightning data into their meteorological data and visualization systems. In combination with other meteorological data, such as radar in particular, the real-time display of lightning types offers substantial added value in identifying storm development and danger potential.

  • Energy supplier

    Energy suppliers feed the numerical real-time lightning data of nowcast (LINET data) into their control console software. In the event of a disruption, the software carries out an automatic check as to whether a lightning stroke has taken place in the vicinity of the affected power line or pipeline at the time in question. This simple procedure reliably identifies this frequent cause of failures and normally permits to promptly resume operations.

  • Weather dependent industries

    Each weather-dependent industry stands to gain from LINET data. Either to plan for disruptions, operational safety outdoors or analyzing lightning induced damage: nowcast’s LINET lightning data enables optimizing processing and reducing costs.

    Ultra-precise lightning data assists airports in keeping downtime, during which ground handling needs to be discontinued during a thunderstorm, as short as possible and long enough to keep everybody as safe as possible.

    Other user groups are railway operators, wind farms, operator of pipelines or high voltage power linesorganizers of open air and outdoor activities and all other weather dependent industries that monitor weather sensitive facilities.

We are committed to continuously developing our products

You cannot only opt for the standard package, but also get access to thunder cell parameters. With the aid of information such as cell speed, height, intensity and size, a new era of detecting and analyzing thunderstorms has begun.

How does LINET data work

LINET data is the standard nowcast product and our customers’ most popular choice. LINET data is fast, flexible and reliable – raw lightning data are delivered in excellent quality and high information content.

  • Fast data supply

    With LINET data the customer receives the best possible lighting data in real time. For weather services, energy suppliers, armed forces and other weather dependent industries the fast and reliable supply of accurate lightning information forms an integral part of weather information, as lightning strokes cannot be precisely detected with other measurement methods. Detecting lightning with LINET results in the “fastest weather parameter” – radar and satellite data usually take a couple of minutes to get to the customer, but nowcast lightning data is with the customer in real time.

    Data-based lightning data supply

    • Individual strokes: individual stroke data will be suppled for the areas and the geocoordinates defined.
    • Screened data: screened data will be supplied for the areas and geocoordinates in the raster resolution selected.
    • User-defined data: supply of cumulative lightning data for user-defined areas.

    Data supply

    nowcast uses a series of common standard protocols to supply the data. We differentiate between the retrieval of data by the customer “pull” (protocols: SFTP, HTTPS, SOAP via HTTPS) and the supply of data via nowcast “push” (protocols: FTP, SFTP).

  • Flexible formats

    The redundant internet and electricity supply of our primary and secondary data center ensure maximum availability of our LINET data service. Moreover, nowcast has introduced business continuity that permits to continue operations in case of unplanned disruptions.


    • XML or CSV
    • Data may be optionally compressed
    • Upon request, even trigger files can be stored in a special directory thus making it easier to locate the current data or data provided at a later date.
    • The geographic projection can be chosen via the EPSG-ID selected.
  • Comprehensive information

    LINET does not only measure cloud-to-ground strokes at ultimate precision. LINET is so precise and sensitive, that also weak intra-cloud strokes are detected and IC-emission height can be accurately calculated and reported. nowcast’s patented algorithm locates the altitude of intra-cloud strokes, an important indicator for determining the severity of a storm. Consequently, meteorological services and weather service providers get a clear picture of the current storm situation and can identify storm danger zones faster and more easily.

  • Historical data

    All numerical lightning data is also available as historical information. Such data serves for example as the basis for flash-density maps, hazard-zone maps or other meteorological analyses. Lightning induced damage at installations can also be easily analyzed.

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