Lightning data is of highest value for Electrical Transmission Grid Operators.
Croatian grid operator HOPS explains the use and benefits of the LINET lightning data.
Today we have the chance to interview Mr. Krešimir Mesić, responsible for the IT-application support for HOPS’s power system control, in order to gain further insight into the use of lightning data, their goals and achievements.
Nowcast: Mr. Mesić, Can you please briefly describe HOPS and its purpose and meaning for Croatia?
HOPS d.o.o. is the sole electricity transmission system operator in the Republic of Croatia, and the owner of the entire Croatian transmission network (400 kV, 220kV and 110kV included voltage levels). Croatian Transmission System Operator’s general mission is electric power system operation and maintenance, electricity transmission, as well as construction and development of the electricity transmission network in order to maintain the overall security of supply with minimal costs and environmental protection.
Nowcast: May we ask you, to briefly describe your position and how you are involved in the lightning data related cases/projects?
My name is Krešimir Mesić and I work in the IT-department of HOPS. I am the head of one IT-department responsible for IT-application support for power system control. I have been involved in the implementation of the lightning location data at HOPS since 2012. Today, my department is responsible for the upgrading and maintenance of that system. We also host some of the Croatian LINET sensors in our substations, Thus, we maintain them as well.
Nowcast: How does LINET data help HOPS to improve its daily operation?
We use real-time LINET lightning data for alerts for system operators in case of approaching storms with lightning conditions. Real-time data with lighting locations from the LINET lightning detection system is running on a video wall in front of the system operators 24/7/365. The LINET data is also used in case of offline analysis for tracking lightning locations, number of lightning strokes affecting the transmission network, number of outages in the transmission network caused by lightning and, in case of new transmission lines, for the planning, etc.
Nowcast: What is most critical for you at HOPS when it comes to lightning data? Is it the accuracy, the speed, the reliability or something complete different?
When it comes to lightning data, I would say that it is equally important to have fast availability of lighting locations (as close as possible to real-time), excellent accuracy, reliable lightning amplitude assessment and professional and steady data access.

(correlating lightning strokes with failures in the grid: LINET data enables precise and reliable decision making)
Nowcast: How happy have you been with nowcast’s LINET lightning data and why
We are a LINET lightning data costumer since 2012 and we are very happy with the nowcast service. When issues or needs occurred, they were solved quickly and professional. The LINET system is reliable and location accuracy has even been further improving.
Nowcast: Can you personally recommend nowcast’s LINET data services for similar use-cases in other companies/departments/organizations and why?
If someone is interested in the precise LINET data, it can be recommended by HOPS.
Thank you Mr. Mesić for the interview and we look very much forward to our on-going cooperation.